Villa Zamir
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Publication date : 2022/12/01
Weight 60 g / Dimensions 13 x 18 cm / 32 pages
ISBN 9791095233282
Où sont les hommes.
Avalés par la lumière. Avalés par le temps.
Noyés de silence.
Tandis qu’une femme attend et s’arrondit derrière l’image.
Les étés sont irrémédiables.
Fléchette is a collection of books in which images from the Archives de la Planète, taken by Albert Kahn and 12 operators between 1908 and 1931, are combined with texts by contemporary authors. Each author is invited to take hold of an image (autochromes and/or film) and to write about it. Each of the books includes a reproduction of the chosen autochrome at the beginning. This image can be read both opaque and transparent with a light source. In this opus, Marie-Hélène Lafon describes the silence of a rural scene through poetry.