Soirs de Fête
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Publication date : 2024/11/01
Weight 212 g / Dimensions 17 x 22 cm / 104 pages
ISBN 9791095233527
Le bruissement entre les murs invites the viewer to wander through a garden of hybrid images where photography and needlepoint intermingle. With Montreuil’s Murs à pêches (Peach Walls) as both backdrop and main driving force, Clara Chichin and Sabatina Leccia stroll through and take samples from reality, digging secret galleries between the fantastical aspect of this reverie-inducing site and its historical aspect, which bears witness to the strata of time – King Louis XIV’s peach orchards, market gardening, a popular, gentrified area caught in the grip of urban sprawl.
The materiality of their collaboration embodies strata of time and perception, and between the walls lie impalpable energies. The artists deliver a sensory cartography that reorients our understanding of this place. Working to the slow rhythm of life, this taking of time and on time is a poetic invitation to reclaim the political. To be engaged is not simply to denounce, but to reconnect with the sensitive, to propose a re-enchantment.