Happy Birthday Picasso
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Publication date : 2024/10/01
Weight 750 g / Dimensions 15 x 21 cm / 472 pages
ISBN 9782378965150
What does it mean for sound to have (a) place, in the age of recorded and therefore delocalized sound? In five parts, this book examines the place of sound (which is also, but not only, the place of music), taking as its starting point the emergence of sound recording techniques in the 19th century. We need to mobilize physics (resonate), architectural acoustics (reverberate), sound ecology (landscape) and soundmapping (map), as well as, ultimately, phenomenology (resound), to find out if sound really does take place, if its resounding is not rather the splintering of any possible assignment to a place. In this case, the philosophy of sound is always also that of the techniques that enable it to be given a place, so much so that a naturalistic phenomenology must, in this instance, be replaced by a phenomenotechnics of sound.