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Publication date : 2017/01/01
Weight 1100 g / Dimensions 32 x 48.5 cm / 48 pages / en
ISBN 9781907908460
Hide and seek is a funny game: be too lazy and you are discovered too fast and the lack of challenge sends all players in boredom. If you are too good, nobody ever finds you but when you come out of the cave you realise that everybody kept on living and they forgot about you. Artists suffer the same conundrum, one wants to be hidden but searched for, interrogated.
In this instance, Tim Gutt and Shona Heath gathered a bunch of friends and strangers in a secret location for a slumber party. No drugs or alcohol except the exhilarating motivation that something must happen when the social rules of collective gatherings are uncertain. Some cameras were present and this publication gives us the necessary clues for wanting more.