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Rencontres d’Arles 2024 Photo-Text Book Award Shortlist
Publication date : 2023/10/12
With 3 different covers
Weight 901 g / dimensions 19.5 x 30 cm / 224 pages
ISBN 9791092727548
Un Abécédaire de la Psychiatrie is the result of a collaboration between the artists of the duo NO SOVEREIGN AUTHOR and patients at the psychiatric day centre “La Fabrique du Pré” in Nivelles, Belgium.
Presented in the form of a dictionary, the book invites us to rethink the world of psychiatry through the eyes of patients. Original, highly visual works of art created by patients in collaboration with artists illustrate each entry in the dictionary, offering a radically new, no-holds-barred approach to psychiatry. Each word, freed from historical interpretations, opens up to a new, more sensitive reality, closer to us and to those who live it. In their hands and before our eyes, the scientific lexicon of psychiatry becomes the language of the heart and soul.
Red Bloom
Ce que vaut une femme : les douze heures du jour et de la nuit