A Self Portrait of the XXth Century
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Rencontres d’Arles 2024 Photo-Text Book Award Shortlist
Publication date : 2023/08/25
Weight 340 g / dimensions 12.2 x 17.1 cm / 255 pages
ISBN 9791094060438
On 16 September 2022, 22-year-old Mahsa (Jina) Amini died in a Tehran hospital. Three days earlier, she had been arrested by the police because her attitude did not conform to the dress codes in force in the Islamic Republic of Iran – her hair was too visible and her trousers did not conform – and she had received blows to the head while in police custody and had fallen into a coma. One death, one injustice too many, has inflamed the Iranian people. They took over the public space, defied the most violent condemnations, filmed and photographed. They are writing the story of an uprising whose cry “Woman, Life, Freedom” is historic. A war of life against death that has persisted ever since, and whose images Iranians are persisting in for freedom, against the regime.
Book published to coincide with the “Tu ne meurs pas” exhibition at Visa pour l’image, the international photojournalism festival in Perpignan, from 2 to 17 September 2023.
Ghazal Golshiri, born in 1981 in Tehran, has been a journalist in the international department of the daily Le Monde since 2011.
Marie Sumalla, born in 1980 in Perpignan, has been a photo editor at Le Monde since 2011.
A Self Portrait of the XXth Century
Tisser la guêpe et l'orage
Inventer l'école, penser la co-création