Algues Maudites, a Sea of Tears
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Publication date : 2022/10/01
Weight 960 g / Dimensions 20.5 x 26.5 cm / 42 pages
Nhu Xuan Hua has delved into the power of memories in a work entitled “Tropism, Consequences of a Displaced Memory”. The work gives a face to these tropisms that describe spontaneous and automatic reactions initiated by vivid emotions in response to past events. Based on archival footage of her family, the digital intervention interprets these memories from a new perspective, exploring the dissipation effect generated by the passage of time and driven by the forces of altered memory.
This study is an invitation, the images trace a path linking past and present. Places and people merge: he, she, they, here, there are one and the same after being separated for so long. In this two-dimensional imaginary city, the elements of the photographs dissipate leaving behind the simple and haunting presence of nostalgia.