Leonard Cohen: Everybody Knows
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Edition of 150
Publication date : 2023/11/01
Weight 483 g / Dimensions 27 x 35 cm / 56 pages
ISBN 2271459459246
Generation is the true theme of « TRANSMETTRE »; be it the one of new shapes within an adjusting or forming living body, of fresh energy desperately injected into otherwise degenerated social landscapes, or of sounds from the human pulse as life either finds its inception or insists on running its course. One always resulting from the other, echoing the meeting of two parents; loops and dualities referenced by the disposition and meeting of the images here, themselves the result of impressionistic exploitation of Super 8 and 35 mm film serving as more or less opaque layers filtering, then bleeding raw information out of their very patterns, cascading from each original side onto paper pages of varying levels of tangibility. Some frames expand further from personal anguish and into urgent global concerns, such as the opening and yet persisting representation of melting glaciers in Patagonia; repetition in general is used for persistent emphasis on a certain state of alert, and the fallible legitimacy of photography as a representation technique is again utilized to address the importance of personal perspective. Both ends of the book.are laid out to converge in a deep center and materialize in vinyl record form: an object revealed to its own existence as if the true binding of the self-contained universe.”
Aymeric Nocus
Leonard Cohen: Everybody Knows