Google - Volume 2
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Publication date : 2020/11/01
Weight 840 g / Dimensions 19.5 x 27.5 cm / 280 pages / english
ISBN 9782365680318
The Leaked Recipes Cookbook is the result of a rigorous and systematic investigation by Demetria Glace through the major leaks of the past 15 years, focusing on the theme of cooking. Featuring Wikileaks and Hillary Clinton as well as the Pizzagate scandal and exchanges between staff from the world’s most influential companies (Enron, Sony), The Leaked Recipes Cookbook showcases over 50 recipes including the very best cookie and a “secret” barbecue sauce among many others. This is not just a cookbook. It’s an insight into office culture, politics, corruption, hacking, family and friendships. It’s time to cook the conspiracy.