Revue Faire Volume 09 (n° 31, 32, 33, 34) – Regarder le graphisme
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JUROR'S SPECIAL MENTION: Catalog as DIY Exhibition, 2021 Paris Photo - Aperture Photobook Awards
Publication date : 2021/09/01
Much like or THERE, THERE publication, this catalog contains 32 loose 10” x 12.5” pages collected wrapped in a full-height belly band and risograph printed in a limited run of 200 copies in lake, sunflower, and fluorescent pink ink on grey paper.
TAKE IT FROM HERE is an artist’s book/exhibition catalog featuring artworks by ten emerging photographers who use the camera as a multifaceted site of imagination, play, and self-exploration. Considering photography’s sordid relationship with the politics of representation, the selected artists collectively highlight new freedoms and visual possibilities of self-expression alive within the medium.
The exhibition, curated by Zora J Murff and Rana Young, opened on Aug. 6th at Filter Photo in Chicago, IL.
Much like or THERE, THERE publication, this catalog contains 32 loose 10” x 12.5” pages collected wrapped in a full-height belly band and risograph printed in a limited run of 200 copies in lake, sunflower, and fluorescent pink ink on grey paper.
Participating Photographers: Elliott Jerome Brown Jr., Widline Cadet, Jasmine Clark, Paul Guilmoth, Kathryn Harrison, Elizabeth Hibbard, Tommy Kha, Alec Kaus, Nadiya Nacorda, Lindley Warren Mickunas
Designed, Printed, and Assembled by Travis Shaffer