Habiter le trouble avec Donna Harraway
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Publication date : 2017/12/01
Weight 892 g / Dimensions 21 x 26 cm / 212 pages
ISBN 9783952489406
The 212 “postcards” in this book by Alberto Vieceli represent a selection of over 600 postcards collected between July 2016 and October 2017. Reimagined as simplified and monochromatic, with flat colours and basic shapes, the new versions entirely remove the postcard’s key visual element: pictures of the destination they represent. By eliminating this functionality, he reduces the postcards to abstract designs whose only clue as to what they represent is in the leftover text which names the various cities, places, and tourist attractions from whence the cards originated. Vieceli deconstructs this popular souvenir format, rendering it essentially representative of nothing.