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Publication date : 2020/08/20
Weight 264 g / Dimensions 12.8 x 20 cm / 272 pages / fr
ISBN 9782882506443
With her imposing figure and haughty head, she gives voice to a proud and determined black woman who has to survive in a world of extreme harshness, dominated by whites. A rich and funny, passionate and sweet voice that, despite discrimination, carries hope and joy, accomplishment and recognition, and fiercely defends her right to freedom.
After the unforgettably Je sais pourquoi chante l’oiseau en cage, Maya Angelou continues her autobiographical cycle. Maya Angelou was a poet, writer, actress, activist, teacher and director. She fought many battles before becoming a contemporary icon who has inspired the lives of millions. She worked alongside Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X and James Baldwin. Upon her death, Michelle Obama, Rihanna, Oprah Winfrey, Emma Watson, J. K. Rowling and many others paid tribute to her.
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