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Publication date : 2024/04/01
Weight 760 g / Dimensions 16.8 x 23 cm / 383 pages
ISBN 9782931110102
Between 1975 and 2000, the autodidact Chrystel Crickx cut letters by hand and sold them by the piece in her shop in Schaærbeek, Publi Fluor. These vinyl adhesives, bought by locals for their signs and advertising, have since been digitized and made accessible to users outside Belgium and in a range of new contexts.
On the fringes of standardized communication, the letterforms have contributed and continue to contribute to the urban visual environment in Brussels and beyond. This non-standard collective essay attempts to tell the life of a type model, its successive authors and their tools, all while broadening the field and exploring the interstices between the many stories that Chrystel Crickx’s practice gave rise to.
Group Ludic - L'imagination au pouvoir
Comment survivre après l'école d'art ?
Recto Verso, postscriptum