Christer Strömholm
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Publication date : 2016/10/11
Weight 901 g / Dimensions 20 x 24 cm / 120 pages / french/english
ISBN 9791092727166
Originally published in 1967, Poste Restante has become one of the most collected photography books of the mid-twentieth century, ranking alongside the best-known publications of Robert Frank and Ed van der Elsken.
This photographic autobiography details the many journeys of the great photographer Christer Stromhölm around the world in a book constructed as an existentialist diary. Juxtaposing urbanity and the macabre, combining portraits and street scenes with abstract photographic fragments, the book uses metaphor and visual puns in an incessant flow of consciousness.
In its progression and conception, this book prefigures much of contemporary photographic publishing.
After a first revisited book by Christer Stromhölm (Les Amies de Place Blanche), The Eyes Publishing accompanies the rebirth of another essential work.