Jeff Wall - Refonder la modernité
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Publication date : 2014/11/01
Weight 393 g / Dimensions 17.5 x 25 cm / 112 pages
ISBN 9783943514315
Nora Schultz’s work explores questions of the emergence of pictures and production as an artistic dynamic. She is more interested in the genesis of images and objects and its material traces than in the completed work. That is why the manufacturing process plays a central part in her prints, printing machines, installations, and performances and always remains recognizable as such. The book figures as a sort of retelling in which manhole cover stamp, die-stamping drum, paper, plastic, and aluminium sheet, camping mat, microphone sculpture, dictaphone, sound funnel, and print worm blithely continue their cycles of production.
Jeff Wall - Refonder la modernité
Pendulum Shift
Jeu Vice & Versa