Au Crayon
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Publication date : 2001/06/19
Weight 2130 g / Dimensions 28.5 x 29.5 cm / 240 pages / text in French
ISBN 9782851072115
With a Preface by Erik Orsenna.
Postface by Gérard Macé.
Henri Cartier-Bresson’s strengths in dealing with history and daily life are found intact in his photographs of nature. The same finesse of vision, the same infallible instinct guiding him towards the most significant scene. What Henri Cartier-Bresson means by landscape includes the trees as well as the river, rich or desolate soils as well as urban or inhabited landscapes.
Here the landscape is a cemetery; there, a man walking in the savanna, a stream, a train passing through a distant horizon – always a setting for mankind. From the four corners of Europe, via Japan, Mexico and Siberia; from the 1930s to the 1990s, this book comprises the artist’s most stunning landscape images.
Au Crayon
Henri Cartier-Bresson Scrapbook
Henri Cartier-Bresson : Chine 1948-1949 / 1958
Henri Cartier-Bresson and Italy