Sadak – Hand painted street signs in India
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Publication date : 2004/12/15
Weight 1406 g / Dimensions 27.2 x 23 cm / 176 pages / text in French
Text by Robert Delpire, Caroline Milic
ISBN 9782851072184
For over 10 years, Francesco Zizola has been prowling the globe—from Angola to Thailand, Kosovo to Colombia, Japan to California—seeking to denounce situations in which children are exploited or forced to live in financial, emotional or moral poverty. With insight and honesty, he takes photographic stock of children’s condition around the world.
“Francesco Zizola’s images implicitly denounce the universal reign of bestial, inhuman power, of merciless might-makes-right: of the fierce power to harm and to enslave, the power to kill.”
Caroline Milic
Sadak – Hand painted street signs in India
Des images et des mots
Les Paradis
Man Ray