Hoja Dorada
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Publication date : 2023/01/01
Weight 200g / dimensions 21 x 29 cm / pages 48
ISBN 2207594293674
Guerrero is one of the most violent and poorest states in Mexico, but it is also one of the most culturally rich. Drama is part of daily life. Children, women and other inhabitants live daily with the poppy flowers. They water them, take care of them and harvest them to be sold to the best buyer. Many don’t know or don’t want to know what they are for. They see the poppy plant as just another product of the field, another crop that gives them sometimes only what they need to survive, as they cannot depend on maize alone. The aim of this project is to document the rapidly changing communities in the Montaña de Guerrero, in the Montaña Roja, and to understand their displacement, isolation and poverty, as well as their culture, traditions, economy and power dynamics.
Selected by MoMa as one of the best photobooks of 2022.
Hoja Dorada
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