Nouvelles photographies du soir
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Publication date : 2023/03/01
Weight 280 g / Dimensions 17 x 22.5 cm / 112 pages
ISBN 9782930777528
Météorismes compiles a selection of drawings by Julien Meert started in 2018. With an economy of means yet with voluptuous lines, they evoke trivial things: an ass, an intestine, a bloated belly, a testicle, a clitoris, or a hammer of inflated flesh, we do not know exactly…
These motifs generate semi-abstract landscapes bathed in a soft light in which one would like to curl up and rest. It is an ode to the desires and organs that command us, an optimistic and humorous prophecy that promises us that there is light at the end of the intestine.
Nouvelles photographies du soir
Group Ludic - L'imagination au pouvoir
Benoît Maire à la Villa Médicis en 2022