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Publication date : 2021/01/01
Weight 616 g / Dimensions 21 x 28 cm / 132 pages / english
ISBN 9783906822433
The Swiss photographer Karlheinz Weinberger (1921–2006), best known for his edgy archive of queer youth and teenage misfits, also made several trips to the Mediterranean region in his lifetime. A few of the photos he took there are widely recognised, but most have never before been published. Many were shot in and around Agrigento, as well as the Lipari Islands, Lampedusa, Lecce, and Naples. He also visited Tangier in 1963 and 1964. His interest was not limited to men and their physiques, however, as he also documented the traditional life of Southern Europe, in the cities and the countryside, at the ports and the beaches, often imbuing these subjects with a filmic quality.