Small Miracles
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Publication date : 2023/09/01
Weight 520 g / Dimensions 15 x 22 cm / 216 pages
ISBN 9784865411669
This pocket-sized photobook, published to accompy a large-scale retrospective at the Tokyo Photographic Museum, offers a comprehensive look at the entire oevre of master photographer Masahisa Fukase. Revered for his relentless experimentation, his unique perspective and his focus on his own private life as the subject of his photography, Fukase’s work has left a lasting impact on the Japanese photography world.
“I never think I can photograph a subject and capture it. What’s important to me is how far I can penetrate it. To what extent I can reflect myself in it. I want the act of looking through the viewfinder to be something concrete. I feel that photography can be used more freely. I think it’s possible to refer to it in a way that implies my own existence.
Masahisa Fukase, 1969 – translated into English.
This book includes the text “An undivided play between subject and object, a paradox of love and photography”.
Excerpt from Tomo Kosga – director of the Masahisa Fukase archive.
Small Miracles
The Spirit of Avant-Garde Photography - Transforming "Nothing Much"
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