Les Rhumes
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Publication date : 2019/06/01
Weight 220 g / Dimensions 13 x 20 cm / 116 pages / french
ISBN 9782378960872
This manual provides a state of the art overview of how nature functions in an urban environment: its ecology.
Cities are complex structures that shelter a disparity of living conditions. They can generate breeding grounds for biodiversity as well as destroy them. They are themselves organisms that develop, mutate and decline. This manual analyzes these phenomena. It asserts a few principles in order to overcome the ecological blindness of city dwellers, and to prevent the agony of urban ecosystems.
This manual intends to raise awareness. It is necessary, insufficient and yet indispensable. Each living being depends on the interactions maintained with the environments and the living being which surround it, whatever they are. The book underlines the sociological, urbanistic and political dimensions involved.