Cas Oorthuys
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Publication date : 2020/10/01
Weight 760 g / Dimensions 19.3 x 25.4 cm / 176 pages / fr
ISBN 9782365112734
A member of the Magnum agency, Sergio Larrain only went to London once in the late 1950s, at a time when the country was in the throes of deep social and cultural transformation. From this journey, the photographer brought back a series of images that offer an extraordinarily powerful vision of the city, at once deeply rooted in its traditions but also open to the modernity of the post-war period. He reveals, through his lens, the signs of the emergence of a new London society, in its streets, parks, pubs, and clubs, capturing the class divisions, the burgeoning fashions of its youth, the everyday life of Londoners entering a new decade: the sixties.