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Publication date : 2021/04/15
Weight 1394 g / Dimensions 16 x 22.6 cm / 832 pages / French version
ISBN 9791095821311
Editorial direction : Dominique Païni, Diane Dufour, Roger Willems
Design : Roger Willems, Dongyoung Lee, Roma Publications
643 images in colour, 104 images in B&W.
In 170 sequences, eight iconic films are presented in this first referential book about the work of Chinese filmmaker Wang Bing. These include ‘West of the Tracks’ (2003), ‘Three Sisters’ (2012), and ’15 Hours’ (2017). For him, making films stems from an urgent need to question his own time, his own country; to establish an alternative to the official media coverage that oscillates between propaganda and censorship. Bing also pushes the limits of documentary language by harnessing the democratising possibilities of digital filmmaking. His attention to people and to things is captured in lengthy films, enabling viewers to see things up close, as near as possible to reality and truth.
Histoires de pierres
On Mass Hysteria
Nouvelles photographies du soir