Stabs At Academia With Painters Tools
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Special Mention - First Photobook Award - Paris Photo - Aperture Foundation Photobook Awards 2020
Publication date : 2020/12/18
Weight 950 g / Dimensions 24 x 32 cm / 136 pages / text in English
ISBN 9781733887724
Design : Jason Koxvold
LIKE explores the experiences and relationships of migrant workers in Oman. But rather than focusing on the defining public image of poor working conditions, photographer Ryan Debolski depicts men finding agency and connection to the landscape of the beach and companionship in each other—they are as playful as they are introspective. A running dialogue of conversations via text message weaves together details of infrastructure and landscape and highlights the men’s digital communications with one another. LIKE refuses to dehumanize or mystify the laborer, and an accompanying essay by Jason Koxvold, “Raw Material: Capital and Exploitation at the Neoliberal Frontier,” contextualizes the work in the history of representation of labor in art. “The editing of this book is superb,” Chuang acclaims, “a compelling entrée into the roster of photobooks about lives otherwise lived out anonymously.”