Dead Ringer
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Publication date : 2021/02/01
Weight 1036 g / Dimensions 20.7 x 30.7 cm / 192 pages / text in English
ISBN 9783960989103
The Keramikos book presents front-and-back photographic records of 300 painted pieces that artists Matthew Lutz-Kinoy and Natsuko Uchino produced since 2010 – including plates, bowls, pitchers and oil jars. Some objects are accompanied by narrative descriptions that present aspects of the duo’s vast and complex research exploring notions of society, religion, politics, style and technique through the long history of ceramic production motifs from Hispano-Moresque, Byzantine, Islamic and Korean ceramics. Each plate is printed on the recto side with its reverse shown in the same position on the verso side of the same page. An extensive index completes the book as well as an interview with the artist and curator Nicolas Trembley.
Dead Ringer
Hans-Peter Feldmann: Bücher, Publikationen, Hefte. 1960er Jahre — 2021
Wade Guyton. 26 avril – 7 juin 2008