Ce que le sida m'a fait
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Publication date : 2013/10/31
Weight 350 g / Dimensions 15.6 x 23 cm / 196 pages / text in English
ISBN 9780989531108
Elisabeth Tonnard’s In This Dark Wood is a study of urban alienation in America. In a haunting, modern-gothic style, it pairs images of people walking alone in nighttime city streets with 90 different English translations, collected by Tonnard, of the famous first lines of Dante’s Inferno: “Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita / mi ritrovai per una selva oscura / ché la diritta via era smarrita.” (“In the middle of the journey of our life / I found myself in a dark wood / for the straight way was lost”). The images were selected from the Joseph Selle collection at the Visual Studies Workshop in Rochester, New York, which contains over a million negatives from a company of street photographers who worked in San Francisco from the 1940s to the 70s. This edition is a reprint of a work originally self-published in 2008.