Studio Botanical
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Publication date : 2023/05/01
Weight 1173 g / Dimensions 22.4 x 32 cm / 224 pages
ISBN 9782913042070
A retrospective of thirteen years of image production by the artist duo Hippolyte Hentgen.
The four-handed drawing practiced by Hippolyte Hentgen has gradually mutated into a practice of the image in the broadest sense: by collages, heterogeneous documentary borrowings … Imagier brings together thirteen years of production by the two artists, from 2009 to 2022. In the introduction, Claire Gilman explores the anti-hierarchical way in which Hippolyte Hentgen makes images. A long-term interview with Tony Côme then allows us to revisit their practice of collecting and quoting, and by implication, the historical conditions of the production of drawing. Finally, a contribution by Jad Fair brings this generous monograph to a poetic close.
Studio Botanical
Far away from home: the voices, the body and the periphery