Le mobilier design pour enfants
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Publication date : 2023/10/28
Weight 350 g / dimensions 15.2 x 24 cm / 128 pages
ISBN 9782919459124
The rattle is the first toy a toddler is introduced to, designed to stimulate the five senses and encourage development. Many renowned designers have taken an interest in this early-learning toy and given it new forms: Hugo Kükelhaus, Antonio Vitali, Patrick Rylands, Kay Bojesen, Fredun Shapur… This book presents an inventory of the most inventive creations, from the 1950s to the 2000s, based on a unique collection. All these creations are part of a history – social, educational, aesthetic – and constitute a repertoire of shapes and colours with strong visual impact, which holds a singular place in twentieth-century design.
Le mobilier design pour enfants
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