Qui êtes-vous Polly Maggoo ?
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Publication date : 2023/12/01
Dimensions 14 x 20 cm / 16 pages
ISBN 2253082429254
Modern life is sprinkled with moments of melodrama. Tragedy is a zine by artist Polly Brown, created to call our relationship with emotional performance into sharp relief. In this tragicomic portrait series, the artist invites ten actors to cry on cue. Full shiny tears and quiet strangled sobs ensue. Falling somewhere between the aesthetics of internet stock imagery and thespian headshots, the series asks the question: is there something to be gleaned from forcing tears? Polly Brown is a British artist working primarily with photography and film. Her work often looks afresh at familiar scenes and objects, subverting our expectations about what they are or do with her signature wry sense of humour and a playful perspective.
Qui êtes-vous Polly Maggoo ?
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