Audimat Maxi
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Publication date : 2019/05/16
Weight 440 g / Dimensions 13.5 x 20.5 cm / 384 pages / French
ISBN 9782367510194
To inhabit the disorder, says Donna Haraway, is an invitation to think, to open up new possibilities of cohabitation and continuation, in times of unprecedented ecological upheaval and cultural violence. Accompanied by two interviews (“The Laughter of Medusa” and “The Temptation of Innocence”), the essays gathered here are presented as investigations with and from Haraway – in the fields of anthropology, philosophy, social sciences and artistic creation. Proposing to inhabit the disorder on various grounds, these texts bear, each in their own way, the testimony of a situated encounter with the work of Donna Haraway. Crossing the figures of cyborgs and companion species, to which are added today the creatures of the Chthulucene, they propose to take up and extend some of the major motifs of her work: the game of writing and tropes, the making of times and stories, the importance of living as mortals, the power of feminist politics.
Audimat Maxi
Beyrouth – Les temps du design
Events of the Social
Everything Must Go