Happy Birthday Picasso
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Publication date : 2020/09/01
Poids 663 g / Dimensions 17.5 x 24.5 cm / 196 pages
ISBN 9782955992760
>°Gu∑ is the result of a collaboration between Christophe Brunnquell (artist and artistic director of Purple magazine) and Grégoire Alexandre (photographer).
Taking over a collection of Vogue Paris magazines accumulated over twenty years, from which they cut out the photographs, they make the pages of the magazine the very material of their project, composing new precarious icons from the very skin of their models. With a raw, satirical and hybrid gesture, >°Gu∑ exploits the aesthetic potential of paper and reincarnates these images in two dimensions. The archive is reinvented in the present, suggesting new forms of beauty.