à la moindre étincelle c'était l'explosion
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Publication date : 2024/10/05
Weight 1701 g / Dimensions 21 x 30 cm
ISBN 9782365680899
10 years ago, JBE Books and King Zog’s Felix Heyes and Ben West published Google, volume 1, using the dictionary and its 21,110 words as the basis for this book of images. The words and definitions have disappeared, replaced by each word’s first result from Google Images—the most ubiquitous and comprehensive visual identification tool on the Internet, that supposedly offers (as its founding principle) the most relevant and stimulating images to our written queries.
Google, volume 1 was released as a limited-edition of 1000 copies, sold out for years now. What does the world look like through the eyes of Google images? What is the most relevant image for each word of the dictionary—today? And what does it say of the evolution of visual language of these past ten years?
à la moindre étincelle c'était l'explosion
Mémoires d'un géant
Hanabi #1
West Land