Problèmes de localisation
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Publication date : 2022/02/15
Weight 260 g / Dimensions 17.2 x 25 cm / 112 pages / fr
ISBN 9782956978817
A hospital where a body is connected to a medical device. A deceptively idyllic meadow under which cables swarm. Shores where forms oscillate between burial and immersion. In Desolation, Verity Spott proposes a phantasmagorical poetry between narration, prose and dialogues. The expression of feelings upsets the attributions of personal pronouns and syntactic structures. Shifting identities take on austerity policies and far-right voices. A book of mourning and love that borders on satire, Desolation works with a hybrid writing style where lyrical poetry, images from blockbusters and the language of demagogues intertwine to counter the molds that would attempt to dictate the shape of our sorrows.
Problèmes de localisation
Landscape as protagonist
Bis Morgen Im Nassen
Hong Kong