Le Grand Sommeil
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Publication date : 2019/12/01
Weight 740 g / Dimensions 18 x 26 cm / 228 pages
ISBN 9788875708191
From cultural posters for the Paris city council to advertising campaigns for the Japanese railways, as well as books, paintings, sets and games: Design & Art presents a journey through Paul Cox’s works, discovering a language in which painting and graphics meet in new and different ways. Published for the first time in Japan, the book unfolds like a rich catalogue where commentary is entrusted to transcripts of the artist’s conversations with the publisher Takumi Hasegawa: short texts that accompany the works she selected, clarifying some of the more technical aspects of Cox’s work and reflecting on his inspirations. With photographs, notes and colours, Design & Art also tells the behind-the-scenes story of the artist’s work, allowing us to leaf through his notebooks and observe the various techniques he has experimented with, from linocut to stencil, and even opening up a more personal dimension. Cox takes us through the most treasured books in his library and his violins, shares memories and moments that marked his development, and opens the doors of his ateliers to us readers.
Le Grand Sommeil
Regarding Paul R. Williams
Verdigris / Ambergis
Troubled Land