Cloud Physics
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Publication date : 2022/06/01
Weight 652 g / Dimensions 20.5 x 26 cm / 96 pages
ISBN 9782365112178
Created in the space of her personal garden in Washington DC, Terri Weifenbach’s photographs reveal the secret world of nature populated by birds that nest in urban gardens. Oscillating between fantasy and reality, her images seem to be taken on the sly when birds race at top speed, dance, or settle, freeze, and gather in parliaments. The seasons follow in succession, the colours of the garden vary. Saturated light and colour, plays on blurred and crystal-clear details, and freeze frames depict a “supra-reality”. Terri Weifenbach immerses us in the infinitely small, transporting us into a particularly lively and marvelous world.
This book is part of the “Des oiseaux” collection, which celebrates, through the eyes of various artists, the immense presence of birds in a world where they are now fragile. Ornithologist Guilhem Lesaffre provides an original essay to accompany each set of photographs.
Cloud Physics
Centers of gravity
Giverny, une année au jardin
Fragments de temps