Recto Verso, postscriptum
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Publication date : 2022/06/01
Weight 620 g / Dimensions 20.5 x 26 cm / 108 pages
ISBN 9782365111898
Half traveler and half migratory photographer, as he likes to introduce himself, Bernard Plossu strides along the world since many years. He captures through his lens furtive moments, where birds are flying in huge swarms or caught alone, standing proudly in the middle of a puddle, or gliding high up in the sky, among the peaks. The photographer looks at birds with tenderness and curiosity, a gaze which underlines fantasy and a “surrealistic” approach, as explains the critic Francesco Zanot about his images.
The flight fascinates the photographer, obsessed with the euphoric speed of swallows as well as the hypnotic inertness of large raptors drifting through the wind at high altitude. Plossu’s photographs allow us to see fragments of the world, a world in which birds have reinvested our environment.
This book is part of the “Des oiseaux” collection, which celebrates, through the eyes of various artists, their immense presence in a world where they are now fragile. Ornithologist Guilhem Lesaffre provides an original essay to accompany each set of photographs.
Recto Verso, postscriptum
Des oiseaux
Giverny, une année au jardin