Paroles d'un taciturne
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Publication date : 2003/12/17
Weight 1388 g / Dimensions 24.7 x 31 cm / 160 pages / fr
ISBN 9782851072139
Dazzling, almost disquieting modernisation… Marc Riboud has captured all the excesses of Shanghai. Between skyscrapers and old districts, the photographer shows us a city full of contradictions: a financial centre, a cultural crossroads, but also a mythical city with a sulphurous scent of opium and magnolia. Steel storeys, urban portraits and city lights: in Demain Shanghaï, Marc Riboud paints a portrait of an ambitious and bewitching city that is taking off in a race for gigantism. “My passion for photographing things that move and change has never been so stimulated and fulfilled as on each of my returns to Shanghai. Marc Riboud