Paroles d'un taciturne
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Publication date : 2003/12/17
Weight 1388 g / Dimensions 24.7 x 31 cm / 160 pages / fr
ISBN 9782851072139
Dazzling, almost disquieting modernisation… Marc Riboud has captured all the excesses of Shanghai. Between skyscrapers and old districts, the photographer shows us a city full of contradictions: a financial centre, a cultural crossroads, but also a mythical city with a sulphurous scent of opium and magnolia. Steel storeys, urban portraits and city lights: in Demain Shanghaï, Marc Riboud paints a portrait of an ambitious and bewitching city that is taking off in a race for gigantism. “My passion for photographing things that move and change has never been so stimulated and fulfilled as on each of my returns to Shanghai. Marc Riboud
Paroles d'un taciturne
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