Textes à lire à voix haute
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Publication date : 2021/08/27
Weight 540 g / Dimensions 12.5 x 19.5 cm / 340 pages - French translation
ISBN 9782956870029
Cruiser l’utopie is the result of more than ten years of research into the queer potentialities that Muñoz observed in the artistic and literary practices of the 1960s and 1970s in New York and Los Angeles, practices that allowed him to illuminate the design of a future far beyond the dominant reproductive heteronormativity.
Disidentifications: Queers of Color and the Performance of Politics, her first published work, already foreshadowed the contours of a queer insertion into the future from a counter-normative perspective, precisely as regards racialized people in relation to the mainstream and its transformation. Here, the author turns to the performance of the past in the present and the future. He looks at the remnants of practices, feelings and thoughts, which allow us to perceive a queer horizon, which announces the realisation of a future utopia, in a critical perspective of hope as a productive, not reproductive, political positioning.
Cruiser l’utopie could be read “as an invitation, a performative provocation”, as a manifesto that calls for transformation, for moving towards a counter-normative future through collective, critical and political imagination.
Textes à lire à voix haute
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