Statues also die
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Publication date : 2020/12/01
Weight 649 g / Dimensions 21 x 26 cm / 176 pages / french
ISBN 9789493146525
Started as a visual diary, ‘Ravedeath Convention’ soon grew into a hybrid of autobiography and fiction. While love, joy and friendship are explored, violence and excess come about too, often captured only as traces and symptoms. A collision of different, occasionally mismatched, cultural symbols stresses the all-embracing blend of subcultres as a fundamental feature of our times.
The first pictures taken at age thirteen, this series of black and white images is the edit of a continuous process of photographing, revisiting and reworking over a span of ten years. In the crippled prints the physical presence of body and photograph merge, celebrating human imperfection. The title references Tim Hecker’s album ‘Ravedeath,1972’.
Statues also die
Jan Groover, photographer : Laboratory of Forms