The New Designer - Design as a profession
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Publication date : 2015/02/01
Weight 126 g / Dimensions 10.6 x 14.6 cm / 144 pages
ISBN 9783944669847
Modern design belongs at the Bauhaus! In recent years, the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation has steadily extended its education and outreach programme to cover the area of design. The introduction of new pedagogical formats has made Dessau a premier location for the teaching of architecture and design. The example offered by the IKEA Bauhaus summer in 2013 and 2014—consisting of a three-month designersin-residence programme and a three-week summer workshop—indicates that the Bauhaus Dessau is no ivory tower but a place where education is still seen, as it always has been, as a proving ground for design. The IKEA Bauhaus summer is not about reproducing historical forms and formats but about animating the enthralling history of the Bauhaus and perpetuating the modernist narrative by linking into the concerns of the day.
The New Designer - Design as a profession
La photo, une histoire de collaboration(s)
Frog n° 8
Goldwin 0: Enquiry #1, #2, #3