ARN Vol.2 - pocket version
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Publication date : 0004/01/01
ISBN 9782490140510
L’Atlas des Régions Naturelles Vol.3 is, as its name suggests, the third volume of a singular photographic adventure, as much by its dimensions as by its duration. Begun six years ago, its ambition is to document in equal measure the 450 natural regions or “countries” that make up the French territory.
Eric Tabuchi and Nelly Monnier have patiently and meticulously set out to describe the ways in which we invest the landscape, inhabit it and shape it, starting with such small geographical and cultural entities as Artois, Morvan and Béarn. Roads, dwellings, businesses, activities, sign typography, village names: they track down invariants, typical features and deviations from the norm – which, when combined, define the physiognomy of our lifestyles and identities.
L’Atlas des Régions Naturelles Poche Vol.3 is made up of 16 chapters, following the rhythm of three regions followed by a theme. On 384 pages, over 650 images tell the story of architecture and its relationship with the landscape. This pocket edition includes the entire second volume, published in large format. Chapters in the third volume: Pays d’Auge, Brie, Camargue, Architecture d’entraînement, Cézallier, Combrailles, Côte des Bar, Discotheques, Pays de Montbéliard, Outre-Forêt, Revermont, Géométrie publique, Rochefortais, Pays de Serres, Pays toulousain, Infrasculptures.