Dead End
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Publication date : 2023/09/01
Weight 500g / dimensions 19.5 x 26 cm / 304 pages
ISBN 2251559505951
“1 2 3 2 1” is a 304-page photo novel by Yao Yuan, that juxtaposes images created during and after Nagakura Nami’s pregnancy and the birth of her child, across 2017-2019. In parallel with images of Yuan’s personal life and journeys between Japan and China, “1 2 3 2 1” contemplates ancient allegories and worldings within the
contemporary condition through a queer intimate vision.
The book portrays multitudes of cinematic cityscapes and natural sceneries, vigorous colors and mundane daily moments, containing the coexistence of rough emotions and banal transience. It ponders on an array of subjects such as time, memories, gender, borders, identity, spirituality, nature, healing, care, reality, magic and mystery. The book speaks in the visual language of poetry and metaphors.