delpire & co is pleased to invite you to the launch of the book Subida al cielo by Lúa Ribeira, published by Dalpine.
Subida al cielo presents five works by the Galician photographer made between 2016 and 2020: Subida al cielo, Las visiones, Aristócratas, La Jungla and Los afortunados [Ascent to Heaven, The Visions, The Aristocrats, The Jungle and The Lucky].
In these five series, Ribeira addresses subjects with a historical relationship to documentary photography and representation, often in the context of institutionally constructed or maintained groups, or spontaneous anti-structures that emerge on the margins of society.
The volume is accompanied by an essay by philosopher Carlos Skliar entitled The Fragile Look.
Lúa Ribeira (As Pontes, Galicia, 1986) is currently an associate member of Magnum Photos, based in Bristol, UK. She graduated with a degree in documentary photography from the University of South Wales in 2016 and has since continued her involvement in education through the organization of workshops and the facilitation of lectures at various universities.