At the bookshop Image_Text Sat. January 18 — 6 pm Anne Bourse — H-Clubbing with Jean-Luc. A talk with Pascaline Morincôme IMAGE_ TEXTE #8 The bookshop is delighted to welcome Anne Bourse and Pascaline Morincôme for a discussion over the artist’s first book, published by Éditions Même pas l’hiver. Anne Bourse_H-Clubbing-Jean-Luc-mplh-spread DISCOVER THE BOOK H-Clubbing with Jean-Luc Anna Bourse 25,00€ AUTRES ACTUALITÉS View all Sat. June 22 — 5pm At the bookshop Image_Text Marcelline Delbecq and the Autobiogéographies, suite writing lab Saturday 7 Sept. - 6pm At the bookshop Image_Text Charlie Boisson, Elsa Vettier — "Mémoire de l'oublieur" Thursday 03 October — 7pm At the bookshop Image_Text LUCE LEBART, MARCELLINE DELBECQ, — "Natures Vivantes, Images & Jardins d'Albert Kahn" Saturday, November 23rd - 6pm At the bookshop Image_Text Laura Vazquez, Christophe Manon — Collection Fléchette, sun/sun éditions
Sat. June 22 — 5pm At the bookshop Image_Text Marcelline Delbecq and the Autobiogéographies, suite writing lab
Saturday 7 Sept. - 6pm At the bookshop Image_Text Charlie Boisson, Elsa Vettier — "Mémoire de l'oublieur"
Thursday 03 October — 7pm At the bookshop Image_Text LUCE LEBART, MARCELLINE DELBECQ, — "Natures Vivantes, Images & Jardins d'Albert Kahn"
Saturday, November 23rd - 6pm At the bookshop Image_Text Laura Vazquez, Christophe Manon — Collection Fléchette, sun/sun éditions