Being, Seeing, Wandering
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Publication date : 2024/11/01
Weight 1042 g / Dimensions 22 x 32 cm / 220 pages
ISBN 9783949973567
This monograph accompanies an exhibition of work by street photographer Akinbode Akinbiyi at Kunstverein Hannover. For half a century, Akinbiyi has captured moments and situations in many places around the globe with his analogue Rolleiflex. He is fascinated by the in-between, the everyday aspect of life – weaving through crowds, finding moments of quiet serendipity, a chronicler of the inconspicuous. Yet the individual is not his focus. Rather, it is in the movement of the passersby, in happenstance and coincidence, that the magic he seeks becomes immanent, the liminal threads taking shape, becoming momentarily visible, forming into occurrences that vibrate.