Happy Pills
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Publication date : 2015/07/08
Poids 1918 g / Dimensions 25.5 x 32.5 cm / 208 pages / text in French
ISBN 9782851072757
Introduction by Shaxson Nicholas.
Tax havens occupy a central position in the global economy and international politics: together they represent an enormous financial capital of $32 billion (twice the debt of the USA). From Singapore to the Virgin Islands, the City to the Caimans, Luxembourg to the Netherlands, the book infiltrates us into the discreet world of tax havens, exposing a little know and often-fantasized reality, far rom sandy beaches and coconut trees… Through 80 photographs, the book offers a singular reading of that world. Nicholas Shaxson’s texts responds to the images, helping us understand how tax havens work, and inevitably raising all sorts of ethical and moral issues.
Paolo Woods and Gabriele Galimberti are young Italian photographers whose work is shown frequently in Italy and abroad. Paolo Woods won the prestigious World Press Photo Prize in 2012.
Nicholas Shaxson is a British journalist specializing in financial issues.