A House of Clay
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Publication date : 2023/05/01
Weight 243 g / Dimensions 23.3 x 34 cm / 44 pages
When we move, our “stuff” moves with us, and even after we’re gone, it keeps on moving. This is the great migration of objects, from one room to another, from one house to another, from one family member to another, to a storage unit, to a second-hand store and finally to an auction house or flea market. Previously, objects migrated locally, but globalization, consumerism and the democratization of the Internet have considerably broadened their migratory patterns. Chance encounters with objects and their memories are disappearing.
Europe Archive is a long-term project that will develop over the years into a monumental collection of objects from all over Europe.
A House of Clay
I have no idea what I'm doing out of bed
The Complete Papers