Happy Pills
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Publication date : 2022/06/01
Weight 630 g / Dimensions 20.5 x 26 cm / 104 pages
ISBN 9782365113120
Magnum photographer best known for his works testifying to political, economic or even ecological upheavals, his curious mind leads him to focus on subjects that are sometimes more contemplative, where nature holds a major place. Thus, during a stay in Japan in 2019, Paolo Pellegrin, who left to witness the blooming of the cherry trees, is more struck by the majesty and the aerial ballet of a colony of black kites flying over the temple of Shimogamo, Shinto shrine of the 7th century, in the heart of a primary forest.
He manages to capture the movements of this colony of eagles that flutter very close to his lens. Their dazzling speed is captured in tight frames: the birds seem to emerge from the frame or come out of it at full speed. The choreographies follow one another: as a soloist, in a duo or in a group, these fascinating birds of prey seem to slide through space.
This book is part of the “Des oiseaux” collection, which celebrates, through the eyes of various artists, their immense presence in a world where they are now fragile. Ornithologist Guilhem Lesaffre provides an original essay to accompany each set of photographs.